Jessica Lindsey's Portfolio

Lakeshore School for the Arts and Technology

How to Create Your Own Web Page Using GitHub

1. Navigate to and sign in if you have an account. If you don't have an account, create one.

2. Go to the menu on the top right (with your profile avatar icon) and select "Your Repositories."

3. Click the green "New" button.

4. Name your repository "[your user name]"

5a. To upload files manually, click the link "creating a new file" or "uploading an existing file." Select your files from the folder or Drag and Drop your files into the large rectangle section labeled "Drag and Drop."


5b. Alternatively, a faster method is to push an existing repository from your machine or create a new repository using the command line. Simply copy the commands provided by clicking the clipboard icon and paste them in the command line (ctrl-shift-v). Run the commands.

6. Click the green "Commit" button.

7. Test your website by going to [your user name]

8. You can make changes by editing the files on your computer and pushing the changes to GitHub or by editing the files directly within the GitHub repository.

Have Fun!